Wasabi & Sriracha (special needs)

Sisters Wasabi & Sriracha are estimated to be born some time in September or October of 2023. They were originally purchased from Pet Circus in downtown Ottawa. However, their original owner could no longer keep them and passed them on to a roommate. Then the roommate could not longer keep them due to allergies and lack of funds for vet bills, and so here they are! With the Rescue and one of our wonderful fosters. Poor Wasabi arrived with severe malocclusion and we are surprised that she mana...

Mani & Monsieur

Meet this sweet father-son pair who have found themselves at the Rescue for their golden months. This lovely pair were surrendered after their previous human passed away and no one else in the family had the capacity to give them a home. They are estimated to be about 2 to 2.5 years old. Mani arrived with a slight eye infection while Monsieur has a small and harmless Keratin cyst on his leg. Both had mites and the beginning of hind end degeneration, but none of this has prevented them from...

Scarlet & Fitzgerald

Sweet ladies Scarlet and Fitzgerald were surrendered to the Rescue after their previous owner unfortunately could not longer take care of them. A large part of that was because of Scarlet's ongoing eye issues and increasing vet bills. As a hairless rat, Scarlet is and will continue to be very prone to eye infections and other eye-related issues. Although stable and healthy now after several rounds of treatment, there is always the chance that she will eventually need surgery to have both her...

Bowser & Rufus

Brothers Bowser and Rufus were surrendered to the SPCA Gatineau as seniors in late 2023. We estimate they are just over 2 years old Unfortunately, they have a host of behavioral and health issues requiring some special care. Bowser is very defensive and wary of humans and will bite to draw blood. He also has a fatty deposit that is not growing or bothering him in his right upper torso. The Rescue is keeping a close eye on it. Rufus is much sweeter and kinder and seems to enjoy the occasional ...

Sydney and Gaia

Update: May 15, 2024. Unfortunately Sydney very rapidly developed symptoms of congestive heart failure. While she initially responded very well to lasiks + antibiotics, over the May long weekend, she had a sudden and severe decline. The foster, along with the rescue and our vet made the call to say goodbye to Sydney. Sydney and Gaia are estimated to be born some time in October of 2022 making them approximately 1 year 3 months old. Both of them were purchased from Pet Circus in downtown Ottaw...

Wanda & Lilith (spayed)

Sisters Wanda and Lilith were part of a large seizure at the Montreal SPCA. We have very little information about them, except that it's suspected they were originally bred to be snake food. The Montreal SPCA found themselves with over 50 rats and very little space, so these two were transferred to us to give them a better chance of being adopted. Unfortunately Wanda and Lilith arrived extremely scared. They would literally scream every time you touch them or even attempt to pick them up. Lil...

Velma & Daphne

Sisters Velma & Daphne were purchased from PetSmart about a year ago, and unfortunately they were nor very brave or social. Their previous owner tried what she could to win them over, but having no experience with rats, she had them a year and made no progress and thus decided to surrender them to the Rescue. Luckily we had an amazing foster who was able to almost immediately gain their trust and in the three weeks they were with that foster, they learned to enjoy hanging out with humans, tak...

Sandy (sponsor me/special needs)

Sandy came to the Rescue in late May of 2020. She was found in a backyard after her and at least 1 other rat was dumped outside. For weeks, a kind man tried to trap them, but despite his best efforts, they could not be caught. After several weeks, the other rat suddenly disappeared and only Sandy was left. Now extremely skinny and hungry, she finally allowed herself to be trapped. Unfortunately the trauma of what she had been through made Sandy extremely fearful, to the point of biting. Sh...

Teddy (sponsor me!)

Teddy was surrendered to the SPCA in Gatineau along with his 2 brothers in 2019 estimated at 1 year old. Unfortunately, by beginning of 2021, Teddy had lost his brothers Sampson (eye tumor) and Frankie (stroke), and himself had a tumor removed from his leg. After spending a few months living with 2 baby boys, unfortunately he again had to be separated when one of the babies became too aggressive for elderly Teddy. Thankfully, Teddy seems to be adjusting well to bachelor life. At the ripe o...

Xavier-Lee, Francis & Charles (special needs)

Meet this trio of of older boys, Xavier-Lee, Francis & Charles. They were unfortunately neglected for most of their life and surrendered to the Rescue with some health issues. Of the three Xavier-Lee is the oldest at approximately 2 years old, but he also happens to be the healthiest. His only ailment is some natural balding due to being a Rex rat. Both Francis and Charles are estimated to be about 1 year old and both suffer from respiratory infections. Thankfully, they are responding w...


Update Jan. 28, 2021. Unfortunately, Cora had to be euthanized at the emergency vet early Thursday morning due to respiratory related complications. Cora had been battling chronic respiratory infections for well over a year. RIP little one. Cora and Rowena are actually related. Cora was born Oct. 31, 2018, while Rowena was likely born 6 months earlier and was in fact Cora's grandmother. Both girls were taken from a backyard breeder who was primarily breeding snake food. After spending almo...

Amy (sponsor me!)

Sweet, awkward Amy was surrendered to the Rescue by a previous owner who could not afford to take her to see a vet. Amy had unfortunately been living in a small tank on wood shavings her whole life. She had developed respiratory symptoms several months earlier, but her previous owner did not or could not take her to see a vet. Finally, when Amy started to show severe symptoms, including lack of appetite, lethargy and gasping, her previous owner reached out to the Rescue, asking us to save her...


Update March 2021: Unfortunately, both Wraith and Purple had to be euthanized by our veterinarian due to persistent and worsening respiratory disease, leaving Grey the sole survivor from this group. Even so, Grey himself has severe and chronic respiratory disease and requires medication twice a day. His monthly medical bill is about $30. If you would like to help support the Rescue and our continued care of Grey, please visit our Donate Page. This trio of boys came from a previous owne...

Ellie (sponsor me!)

Sweet elderly Ellie was surrendered to the rescue covered in lice, with a respiratory infection and initial symptoms of PT (pituitary tumor). We were honestly not even sure if little old Ellie would make it. Miraculously, with the love and care of her foster, plus the right antibioitcs and cabergoline to treat her PT symptoms, Ellie is almost completely back to being a normal rat. She's a little cuddlier than most, and she does sleep a lot, but you would never know that just a few weeks ago, ...

Murray (sponsor me!)

Murray is a sweet adult male who was surrendered to us by a well-meaning lady who unfortunately had to move out of the country. This gentle, but awkward boy arrived with severe respiratory infection that was not being treated properly with the right antibiotics. This had unfortunately been going on for over 6 months. Now in the care of the Rescue, one of our most experienced foster homes is doing everything they can to keep Murray healthy and happy. Murray requires daily antibioitcs and...


Sweet and independant Gordon has the honor of being the oldest rat currently living at the Rescue. He was surrendered along with 10 other rats at the age of 1-1.5 years old in 2019, and has never been able to get completely healthy. To this day, Gordon requires twice daily doxycycline and prednisone to keep his respiratory infection under control. Good thing is, Gordon LOVES cooked food. He loves rice, pasta, baby food, veggie purees and all sort of human junk food, so getting him to take ...

Lexie & Jackie

These tightly bonded girls were surrendered to the SPCA in Gatineau because their previous owner wanted to euthanize them after they got lice. Thankfully, the vet refused, and referred them to the SPCA. Due to their poor chances at the SPCA, these girls were transferred into the care of the Ottawa Pet Rat Rescue. After 6 months with the Rescue, the oldest girl, Blossom, unfortunately finally succumbed to her illness and with careful consideration and support from our vet, she was put to sleep...

Sadie & Black Jack (neutered)

Update: Aug. 30th. Black Jack has now been introduced to the beautiful and lively Sadie! These two make such a wonderful pair and are looking for a loving home together. Meet beautiful boy Black Jack. This boy was found on the side of the highway in a cardboard box in St. Marthe Quebec along with 23 other rats. They were incredibly lucky that a kindhearted lady happened to be driving by and contacted a local pound who picked up the rats. All the males in this group were eventually transfe...

Reba & Dolly (sponsor us!)

Reba & Dolly were abandoned at the SPCA in Gatineau in mid 2019. Both girls are in their senior year and were left at the shelter with visible mammary tumors and respiratory infections. Unfortunately, the shelter was unable to provide these girls with the veterinary care and surgery they required and so reach out to us for help. Reba & Dolly are now with one of our permanent foster homes where they will live out the rest of their lives (whether that be 6 months or 12 months, or more). Reba...


Sept. 2020: Despite being the completely healthy one, our foster parents were shocked to find Dixie had passed away overnight. She had no symptoms and had suffered no trauma. Most likely, she ad died in her sleep or had suffered a stroke. Rest in Peace Dixie. Dixie and Cora, both girls born on Halloween night of 2018 are super curious and love to explore. While they used to be quite nervous, their parents have done an amazing job socializing them. Cora and Dixie both enjoy being perched on yo...

Peaches & Stella

Update: July 4, 2017. Stella's eyes have fully recovered. There are still 2 stubborn stitches sticking around, but other than that, she has finished her medication and is ready to find a forever home with her sister Peaches. Update: June 16, 2017. Stella's eyes continue to have discharge and became infected. A double eye enucleation was performed. Will be available for adoption again after full recovery. Stella is missing 1 eye and has micro-eye. She likely cannot see a thing. There is often...

Sonny (neutered)

Meet sweet, playful Sonny! Gone is the nervous, bitey boy who was surrendered to us about a month ago. Sonny would love nothing more than a bunch of lovely lady rats and a human who would like to hand-wrestle. This boy is estimated to be 7 months old. He was rescued off Kijiji by a lovely lady who wanted to give him a better life with friends and a big cage. Unfortunately, it seemed that Sonny kept on biting his would be rescuer, and ended up being isolated in a cage alone due to the fact tha...

Eponine & Pierrette

These two sisters are looking for a patient, understanding, loving family who has experience with rats, or are willing to work with them, through thick and thin. They were rescued from a very bad situation along with 18 other rats, many of whom will also need a special home. Eponine and Pierrette have both come so far. Out of all of the girls from this large rescue, they have adjusted most quickly to new situations. In February 2016, both girls presented with a small mammary tumor in their gr...

Fleur & Cosette

These two sisters are looking for a patient, understanding, loving family who has experience with rats, or are willing to work with them, through thick and thin. They were rescued from a very bad situation along with 18 other rats, many of whom will also need a special home. The first is tiny little Fleur. Despite her diminutive size, Fleur is quick to protect her much larger sister, Cosette. She is unfortunately still quite prone to nipping, especially when anyone tries to pick her up. Howev...