Fisher & Bantom

Update: Orpinton was adopted with 2 other boys, Frizzel and Orloff instead! Fisher and Bantom are still looking for a home as a pair. Meet this trio of brothers who will absolutely melt your heart. All three boys were born some time between Aug. 17 and Aug. 20th. They were all the result of a pet store not separating their males and females. They have thankfully been very well cared for and socialized since birth, so all three are fairly outgoing and would settle into a new home very quic...

Cooper (neutered) & Bobby (neutered)

Meet brothers, Cooper and Bobby. These two were found on the side of a highway in a box along with 22 other rats in St. Marthe QC. It is hard to say exactly how old they are, but we're guessing anywhere between 6 months and 1 year old. These two did not have it easy, as they both came in dirty, infested with parasites and were extremely aggressive with people and other rats. Thankfully, both have now completely changed after their respective neuters and now are friendly, curious and qu...

Sammy & Darla (sponsor us!)

Sammy and Darla were abandoned at the SPCA in Gatineau in horrible condition. Sammy had scabs all over her body from lice that was never treated while Darla had a severe respiratory infection, a huge tumor the size of a ping pong ball in her groin and the lice was so severe she had huge patches of missing hair and inflamed skin. Thankfully our friend at the SPCA reached out to us instead of immediately having them euthanized. After 2 weeks on antibiotics and getting proper treatment for t...

Sadie & Black Jack (neutered)

Update: Aug. 30th. Black Jack has now been introduced to the beautiful and lively Sadie! These two make such a wonderful pair and are looking for a loving home together. Meet beautiful boy Black Jack. This boy was found on the side of the highway in a cardboard box in St. Marthe Quebec along with 23 other rats. They were incredibly lucky that a kindhearted lady happened to be driving by and contacted a local pound who picked up the rats. All the males in this group were eventually transfe...

Coville (neutered) & Jackson

Brothers Coville and Jackson are rambunctious, fun-loving, friendly boys who were transferred to us from the SPCA in Gatineau. They are estimated to be anywhere between 5-10 months old. Both of them came in with some mild respiratory issues, but after a few weeks in a clean, stress-free environment, their lungs have cleared up and these boys are now looking for a forever home to call their own. They are both extremely active and high-energy rats and will need a large enclosure as well as lots...

Reba & Dolly (sponsor us!)

Reba & Dolly were abandoned at the SPCA in Gatineau in mid 2019. Both girls are in their senior year and were left at the shelter with visible mammary tumors and respiratory infections. Unfortunately, the shelter was unable to provide these girls with the veterinary care and surgery they required and so reach out to us for help. Reba & Dolly are now with one of our permanent foster homes where they will live out the rest of their lives (whether that be 6 months or 12 months, or more). Reba...

Rosalind and Bella

Meet adorable, 8 month old sisters, Rosalind and Bella. You will not find a friendlier, or more sociable pair of rats anywhere. Rosalind is absolutely bonkers and will climb on anything, including you. Bella is definitely slightly calmer and more willing to stay put long enough for a few pets. The pair make a perfect duo, with Rosalind running around like crazy, and Bella hanging out with her humans. Please note these girls must be adopted together as they are tightly bonded. Rosalind w...

Sammy & Lisa

Meet sisters, Sammy & Lisa. You will not find a more friendly or adorable pair anywhere else. These girls LOVE to run in their wheel, so we will say right now that any home that wants to adopt them must have at least one 12" Silent Spinner or similar wheel. Absolutely no wire or mesh wheels please! Other than that, they are not picky about food, they are friendly and curious with everyone and they love to explore and be with their humans. To apply to adopt these lovely ladies, please f...

Brittany & Lucy

Meet sisters, Brittany & Lucy. You will not find a more friendly or adorable pair anywhere else. These girls LOVE to run in their wheel, so we will say right now that any home that wants to adopt them must have at least one 12" Silent Spinner or similar wheel. Absolutely no wire or mesh wheels please! Other than that, they are not picky about food, they are friendly and curious with everyone and they love to explore and be with their humans. To apply to adopt these lovely ladies, pleas...


Sept. 2020: Despite being the completely healthy one, our foster parents were shocked to find Dixie had passed away overnight. She had no symptoms and had suffered no trauma. Most likely, she ad died in her sleep or had suffered a stroke. Rest in Peace Dixie. Dixie and Cora, both girls born on Halloween night of 2018 are super curious and love to explore. While they used to be quite nervous, their parents have done an amazing job socializing them. Cora and Dixie both enjoy being perched on yo...

Bruno & Jack

Meet adorable, friendly, super curious brothers, Bruno and Jack. They absolutely love each other, and their human companions as well. Bruno and Jack love to explore, eat yummy healthy treats and squish together into hammocks or igloos to take naps. These two boys are an estimated 7-9 months old. They are more or less full grown now, but will probably gain a bit more weight based on how much their foster mom is spoiling them! Now that Bruno and Jack have been in their foster home for a f...

Benny & Hugo

Meet brothers, Benny and Hugo. You will not find a more adorable pair anywhere! These brothers were unfortunately surrendered for being "too big". Realistically, they aren't even full grown yet at an estimated 5-6 months old. Of the two, Benny (beige) is slightly more anxious and tends to take a few more days to settle in and get used to new surrounding and new people. He's incredibly curious and boy or boy can he climb and explore when he wants to. Hugo on the other hand, is a much more c...

Teddy & Bear

Meet brothers Teddy & Bear. These two sweethearts were being used as studs in a breeding project. They had a pretty rough start, living in a tiny cramped hamster cage and not given any chance to actually play and be rats. Thankfully, a kind-hearted lady convinced the previous owners to surrender them to her and she provided them with a huge upgrade! She reached out to us in the hopes of finding them a longer term home and a better chance at finding a forever home. Both boys are extremely s...

Opal (spayed) & Pirate

Meet Opal and Pirate, two spunky girls who still have a lot of growing to do and tons of energy to expend. Opal is estimated to be 4 months old. She was spayed when only 3 months old, meaning she will hopefully be much healthier with a drastically LOWER chance of any reproductive cancers. She is a little love bug. She loves to give kisses and always looks for opportunities to scramble into your hand. Once she's out, she's quite bossy and confidence. Nothing phases her. She loves to explore, c...

Sparrow, Anamaria & Calypso

Meet this spunky, friendly trio of sisters who had a very rough start to life, but bounced right back to be happy, healthy girls after only a month with the Rescue. Sparrow, Anamaria & Calypso started life as snake food, lived for months in a plastic bin, spent a few more weeks in a tiny cramped cage with 9 other girls, and finally their life made a turn for the better in February of 2018. These girls are super active, love to eat, climb and generally be social. They are not wary of hands ...

Jupiter & Kite

Jupiter and Kite are estimated to be about 5-6 months old. These brothers have been through a LOT in their short lives, and they have the physical scars to show it. But don't let that discourage you! These boys are some of the most loving, curious boys you will ever meet!. They are always ready to come out and keep you company. They absolutely love attention and food! (oh boy do they ever love food!) Jupiter and Kite are both missing a few fingers and toes. Jupiter is also missing about half ...

Clark & Parker

Meet brothers Clark & Parker who are looking for a loving home together! These boys are still very small and have so much growing to do. They are very friendly, curious and overall just need a loving consistent home to ensure they grow up well. Both boys love to climb all over their human(s) and love treats such as veggies, bananas and the occasional nut or seed. If you are interested in offering these baby boys a loving home, please fill out an Adoption Application.

Emma Frost, Jean Grey & Storm

This mother-daughter trio is looking for a loving home where they will be able to stay together. Storm (right) was only 2 or 3 months old when she was dropped off extremely pregnant at a pound in Montreal. Thankfully, with the help of a few volunteers, we were able to make room for her and her 12 babies. Storm is the sweetest, friendliest girl you will ever meet, and her daughters, who have all already caught up to her in size are very similar. Do you have a special place in your heart ...

Orbit & Flare

Yes, they are pretty much the cutest little boys you will ever meet. Orbit & Flare are brothers who were originally bred to be snake food. They spent the first 7 weeks of their lives eating a mixture of dog food, bird seeds and rodent mix living in a 9L Rubbermaid bin. Thankfully, the human who had them before had a change of heart and decided she would no longer feed her snakes live rats. Understandably, Orbit and Flare are nervous about being touched or picked up. They absolutely LOVE to...

Pudge & Felix

Meet brothers Pudge and Felix. You will probably never meet a more adorable, squishable pair! Both these boys are estimated to be around 1 - 1.5 years old. Although they may be a little bit older, this just means they are calmer, cuddlier and so much more adorable. Pudge is definitely the braver of the pair, and will often curiously come out to meet strangers, while Felix prefers to hang back until he's sure things are safe. Both boys absolutely love banana, vegetables, and food in general. ...

Simon & Wilson (neutered)

Simon and Wilson are so closely bonded you will almost never see them apart. They love to explore and sniff things, then spend their nights and days cuddling together. Simon is definitely the more outgoing of the two, as he just can't wait to be picked up and allowed out to play. But he's always great at recognizing his name, and comes running the moment you call for him. Wilson on the other hand, is much more reserved. He's still a little nervous about being picked up. Both boys have now be...

Bubbles (spayed) & Blossom

These sisters are estimated to be about 1.5 years old. They were unfortunately dropped off at the SPCA in Gatineau as unwanted rats with very little information about where they came from and what their previous living conditions were like. Thankfully, regardless of their past, these two girls are friendly, curious and with just a little bit of socialization will definitely become absolute sweethearts. With their super soft fur, big dumbo ears and curious personalities, Buttercup & Bubble...

Ella & Spirit

Can you tell these two extremely bonded girls are sisters? Ella and Spirit are never far from each other, whether awake, or sleeping. Both girls are extremely friendly and outgoing and would make wonderful pets for anyone who would enjoy spending time with a pair of lively girls. They love to explore and sometimes... they make a mess while going about their antics. Neither are very interested in cuddling, but they love to run all around and over their humans and are not hand-shy at all. If...

Joy & Molly

Joy and Molly are almost opposites of each other. Joy is a little crazy, super outgoing, brave like she's 7 feet tall (even though she's actually tiny, even for a young female rat!) and is the most vocal rat we have ever heard in our 4 years as a rescue. She takes every opportunity to escape, and hands? Hands are just platforms, to be used at leisure when adventure is on the horizon! We seriously can't say enough wonderful things about the busy-bee that is Joy. Oh, and did we mention, she's ...