Alvin, Simon & Theodore

These three boys are from the the two resulting litters from the Mascouche Breeder. They've just reached six weeks old as of Sept 14, and are now ready to find forever homes. They have lived their entire lives at the rescue and are therefore extremely well socialized and friendly. Alvin, who always stands out, is the handsome tan boy, Simon is the adorable black boy with dumbo ears, and Theodore is black with standard ears. The three of them enjoy getting up to antics just like their namesakes. ...
Tarragon & Laurel

Tarragon and Laurel are looking for their forever home!
These two girls are members of the group of rats and babies we took in from the SPCA. They are originally from a pet store that dumped 66 rats (including some pregnant adults) on the SPCA - who is simply not equipped to handle that many rats. We stepped in, taking 29 of the rats - including these two loves.
They are available for adoption as of November 10, 2014, as a pair or in larger groups with their roommates Anise & Sage and Rose...
Anise & Sage

Anise and Sage make a beautiful, contrasting pair.
These two girls are members of the group of rats and babies we took in from the SPCA. They are originally from a pet store that dumped 66 rats (including some pregnant adults) on the SPCA - who is simply not equipped to handle that many rats. We stepped in, taking 29 of the rats - including these two loves.
These two sweet girls will be available for adoption as of November 10, 2014. They must be adopted as a pair or in a larger group with...
Kirby & Yoshi

Kirby and Yoshi, formerly Hunter and Marlow, have been adopted into a wonderful home where they will be lavished with the cuddles and attention they deserve.
These two boys are members of the group of rats and babies we took in from the SPCA. They are originally from a pet store that dumped 66 rats (including some pregnant adults) on the SPCA - who is simply not equipped to handle that many rats. We stepped in, taking 29 of the rats - including these two loves.
These boys will be avai...
Rosemary & Thyme

Rosemary (agouti) and Thyme (black) have found their forever home together!
These two girls are members of the group of rats and babies we took in from the SPCA. They are originally from a pet store that dumped 66 rats (including some pregnant adults) on the SPCA - who is simply not equipped to handle that many rats. We stepped in, taking 29 of the rats - including these two loves.
They have been adopted into a wonderful home where they will have older siblings to play and grow with! Were ...
Marshmellow & Zarena

Marshmellow & Zarena came to us as a group of five girls surrendered when their human parent was caught off guard when she purchased 3 rats from a pet store - and all wound up being pregnant. They're well socialized, gorgeous girls who were adopted within four days of coming to the rescue and are already settled into their new, fantastic, home.
Archer & Cyril

These two lovely black and white boys were surrendered to us because of a very unfortunate financial situation meant that their human guardians could not afford to keep them anymore. They were truly well loved by their past mom after they were given to her by a family who had lost interest. These darlings have found a new forever home where they will be showered with just as much love and attention as their past parents lavished them with. One boy is still a little shy of hands, but the other is...

Lola is a darling blue hooded who came to us as part of the Mascouche Surrender. She is remarkably outgoing and oh so loving - she loves just curling up against your side and chilling. She went to spend some time hanging out with a foster mom but then stole the foster mom's heart as if it were a cheerio and ran away with it. Suffice to say, she's staying put and soaking up all the love and affection possible. She's with two other rescued girls and can be caught snuggling away her days.

Pixie came to us as part of the Mascouche Breeder Surrender and was pregnant. She is a beautiful black and white hooded. As we already had two mommy rats who were far along, we had Pixie spayed in order to keep our numbers manageable and ensure that everyone was able to find an amazing home. She was originally frightened by human hands but came so far in a few months. She was adopted into an amazing home where she now has 3 boys to keep in line and snuggle with!
Stella & Bijou
These lovely ladies are from one of the two resulting litters from the Mascouche Breeder. They lived the first six weeks of their lives at the rescue and are extremely playful and cuddly.
Blip & Felix
Felix, the adorable black standard boy is from one of the two resulting litters from the Mascouche Breeder. He has just reached six weeks old as of Sept 14, and is now ready to find his forever home. He has lived his entire life at the rescue and is therefore extremely well socialized and friendly. Blip, the small light Himalayan boy, is from a small group of babies who were just surrendered after their human guardian found homes for the rest of his siblings. He is slightly younger than Radar, b...
Dixie & Anna

These two girls came to us from a breeder in Mascouche who had been reported and was getting rid of his animals. Both came pregnant and very unsure about humans, hands, and everything else. In the past month Anna has been spayed; Dixie has given birth to a litter of 6, which she is currently nursing; and both girls have learned that humans can bring love, warmth, and of course treats. Dixie will need to stay at the rescue until her babies have been fully weaned so that they get the best start at...
Ben & Rupert

Rupert was found running around outside and was rescued initially by Lisa. Unfortunately, one of her boys is a bit of a bully and did not accept Rupert. Ben is a tiny albino boy who was dumped along with his sister at a pet store just outside of Alexandria and was rescued by a woman named Adele right before the pet store owner was going to feed him to a snake. She realized very quickly that rats need a friend. She asked us for help. We took him in because we knew Rupert and he would be similar i...
Icarus & Samos

These two boys are from the the two resulting litters from the Mascouche Breeder. They've just reached six weeks old as of Sept 14, and are now ready to find forever homes. They have lived their entire lives at the rescue and are therefore extremely well socialized and friendly. Icarus is the black boy - who is aptly named for the wings between his legs - he has a little bit of webbing on his back legs - and personality: he likes to explore and venture off. Samos is the tan boy and is never too ...
Radar & Oscar
Radar, the black boy is from one of the two resulting litters from the Mascouche Breeder. He spent his first six weeks of life at the rescue before finding his forever home. He is extremely well socialized and friendly. Oscar, the tan boy, is from a small group of babies who were just surrendered after their human guardian found homes for the rest of his siblings. He is slightly younger than Radar, but the two get along extremely well.

This lovely lady is from one of the two resulting litters from the Mascouche Breeder. She lived the first six weeks of her life at the rescue and was extremely playful and cuddly. A gorgeous black and white dumbo, we're so happy she has found a loving forever home that can give her tons of love and cuddles. She will be joining a lovely rat named Bisous who recently lost a cage mate. We're so excited that this adoption ended in happy endings for not one, but two rats!
Cassy & Jezzabell

These two darlings came to us from a horrible breeding situation in Mascouche, but you wouldn't know it. Cassy is a firecracker of energy and loves exploring, but will come back for a cuddle to make sure you're still there. Jezzabell is a little shy, but once she feels safe will settle down on your chest for cuddles and love. Both girls are an estimated 4 month old as of August 2014. These two gorgeous girls were adopted and are off to their new home in Kingston with Ashley! We're super thrilled...

Angel was part of the Masouche breeder rescue. Extremely timid and afraid of hands at first, with lots of time, patience, and love from her adoptive mother, Karen, she has begun to come out of her shell and start to soak in all the love that's being showered on her. She is now living with 4 other rats and is doing extremely well.
Strawberry, Blackberry, & Ladybug (Spotty)

These three adorable, sweet baby girls were from the two litters from the Montreal Surrender (we combined the litters of Dixie and Jackie in order to help them better handle the work load of 21 (Dixie had 6 and Jackie had 15) babies. We are super excited that they've been adopted by a fantastic family that is so excited to welcome them into the fold.
Rhea & Kali

Rhea and Kali have stayed within the rescue due to some recurring respiratory issues. Dear Rhea is the sweetest, most loving rat and has a gentle nature that makes it hard not to fall in love. These two beautiful girls also live with Soleil & Gaia.
Soleil & Gaia

Both Soleil and Gaia came from very sad and neglectful previous homes. Little Soleil was a barely grown month-old baby, already separated from her family and given away when the snake wouldn't eat her. Gaia was the extremely young mother and protector of a small liter of babies which she valiantly tried to raise in a jar set at the bottom of an otherwise empty cage. Gaia too, was meant to be snake food, but was too large to be eaten. These two extremely lucky girls who survived extraordinary cir...
Scabbers, Pinky & Sandy

Scabbers, Pinky and Sandy have joined Stevie, an elder girl who was previously adopted from the Rescue. Having recently lost her sister, Stevie was in need of friends and her human mom was more than happy to welcome three more girls into their beautiful rat-family. Thank you Sarah for being a wonderful caring person and for again adopting and helping us save lives!
Roo & Roger

One-eyed Roo and her sweet, but slightly timid friend Roger make for quite the odd, but adorable couple. These two rats were both surrendered as part of a group, but due to various behavioral issues, had to be separated from their former cage-mates. After both underwent surgery and a recovery period, they were matched to each other precisely because of their slightly strange behaviors. As luck would have it, they clicked almost immediately. Roo and Roger will now live out the rest of their lives...