Wasabi & Sriracha (special needs)

Sisters Wasabi & Sriracha are estimated to be born some time in September or October of 2023. They were originally purchased from Pet Circus in downtown Ottawa. However, their original owner could no longer keep them and passed them on to a roommate. Then the roommate could not longer keep them due to allergies and lack of funds for vet bills, and so here they are! With the Rescue and one of our wonderful fosters.

Poor Wasabi arrived with severe malocclusion and we are surprised that she managed to eat solid food at all. We immediately got her the dental care she needs, however, it still remains to be seen if she will need regular tooth trims for the rest of her life or if her teeth will start to grow straight after she learns to brux and grind her teeth down naturally. She has had three tooth trims so far and each time there has been slight improvements.

Both girls are extremely social and friendly. They love to climb all over their foster mom and just be as close to her as possible. They have such sweet personalities and need a calm, loving family who can pay special attention to Wasabi’s dental needs to live out the rest of their lives.

To apply to adopt Wasabi and Sriracha, please fill out an Adoption Application Form. Strong preference will be given to experienced rat guardians as well as those who are willing to also adopt Harissa and Cayenne so this adorable quartet can stay together.