Pablo and Salvador (adoption pending)

We estimate that Pablo and Salvador were born some time in the beginning of 2024, making them about 7 or 8 months old currently. These two were abandoned at an apartment in Gatineau along with 15 other rats and were luckily brought to the SPCA by a kind human.

Strangely, the vets at the SPCA thought that they were unadoptable because they had “horrible teeth”. We eventually found out it was because the vet saw that they had yellow teeth and thought it was a bad sign. We let them know that yellow teeth are actually a sign of HEALTHY teeth because a rat’s enamel is naturally yellow!

Pablo and Salvador are extremely curious, super social and friendly boys. Of the two, Pablo is definitely Mr. Brave! He will climb right into your arms and is always hanging out the hammock trying to catch your attention.

They would make amazing pets for anyone who has a little patience to win them over when they first move into their new home. The two are inseparable and must be adopted as a bonded pair.

To apply to adopt Pablo and Salvador, please fill out an Adoption Application form.