Donations Matter

It’s sometimes hard to conceptualize how much food, hammocks, fleece, litter, and money (largely for veterinarian care) an animal rescue can go through in a relatively short time. It’s also sometimes challenging for us to be able to express just how big of a difference any donation makes. In order to shed some light on this, we’d like to go provide some details on our most common expenses.

General Costs

Food (per rat, per month)- $10
Hammocks (homemade, but the fabric still adds up) -$10
Fleece lining – $6/cage, lasts varying lengths of time depending on the habits of the rats in the cage

The fact of the matter is that many of the animals who come to us are coming from a situation where they were not given the type of love and care they deserve. As a result, we are on extremely familiar terms with local vets. We are committed to getting these furry friends the care they merit.

Veterinarian Care

Treatment for Lice/Mites (given to all incoming rats) – $10
Appointment Fee – $67 + tax
Medication to treat an ear infection – $100-150, depending on severity
Medication for respiratory infections – $80-200, depending on severity
Neuter – $220 + tax
Spay – $195 + tax + travel to Montreal*
Mammary Tumour removal – $180-300, depending on size
Euthansia** – $30 + tax

*We have not been able to find a vet in Ottawa capable of reliably performing spays
**Used only when a rat under our care is experiencing physical suffering with no chance of improvement or recovery